Tornado Safety Tips

Have a Plan

Having a plan in place before a tornado strike is critical. Discuss with your family where you will go for shelter and how you will stay in contact with each other if you become separated. Identify a safe location in your home or workplace and practice your tornado drill regularly.

Stay Informed

Stay up-to-date on the weather conditions in your area. Listen to local news or weather radio for updates on the weather and any tornado warnings. Then, pay attention to the sky and watch for signs of a tornado, such as a dark, greenish sky, a roar, or a cloud of debris.

Seek Shelter Immediately

If a tornado warning is issued, seek shelter immediately. If you are at home, find a small, safe room, such as a bathroom or closet. A lower level of your home is ideal, but If you do not have access to a basement, go to a small interior room on the lowest level of your home, away from windows, and crouch down low to the ground.

If you are in a mobile home or a vehicle, seek shelter in a nearby sturdy building. If no protection is available, lie flat in a ditch or low-lying area, covering your head with your hands.

Protect Yourself

Protecting yourself during a tornado is essential. Wear sturdy shoes and clothing that can save you from flying debris. Use pillows, blankets, or a mattress to cover your body and protect your head from falling debris.

Stay Put

Once you have reached a safe location, stay there until the tornado has passed and it is safe to come out. Do not try to go outside during the storm or drive through floodwaters or debris.

Prepare an Emergency Kit

Having an emergency kit prepared in advance is essential. Include items such as a first aid kit, flashlight, extra batteries, bottled water, and non-perishable food items.


Tornadoes can be extremely dangerous and unpredictable, but following these safety tips can help protect yourself and your family from harm. Be prepared, stay informed, seek shelter immediately, protect yourself, and stay put until the tornado has passed. Remember, tornadoes can strike at any time, so always be prepared and remain vigilant.


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