Ensuring a Safe and Joyful Holiday Season: Insights from Your District Attorney

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and spending precious moments with loved ones. As your District Attorney, I want to emphasize the importance of staying vigilant and ensuring the safety of our community during this festive time. Here are some essential tips to help you and your family have a secure and enjoyable Christmas:

1. Home Security:

   - When leaving for holiday gatherings or trips, make your home look occupied by using timers for lights and TVs.

   - Ensure all doors and windows are securely locked, and consider investing in a home security system.

2. Online Shopping Safety:

   - Only shop from reputable websites, and double-check the website's security features (look for "https" in the URL).

   - Keep a record of your online transactions and receipts.

   - Be cautious about sharing personal information and use strong, unique passwords for each online account.

3. Package Delivery Precautions:

   - Schedule deliveries for times when you're home or use secure delivery lockers.

   - Track your packages online to know when they'll arrive.

   - Ask a trusted neighbor to collect your packages if you're away.

4. Safe Travel:

   - If traveling, let someone know your itinerary and expected arrival time.

   - Ensure your vehicle is in good condition, and plan your route ahead of time.

   - Be cautious of weather conditions and adjust your plans accordingly.

5. Fire Safety:

   - Keep Christmas trees well-watered to prevent them from becoming fire hazards.

   - Avoid overloading electrical outlets, and never leave holiday lights on when you're away from home.

   - Place candles in stable holders and never leave them unattended.

6. Alcohol Awareness:

   - If consuming alcohol, do so responsibly and never drink and drive.

   - Be mindful of others who may have overindulged and assist them in finding a safe way home.

7. Protecting Personal Information:

   - Be cautious about sharing personal details, especially on social media.

   - Teach children the importance of not sharing personal information with strangers, online or offline.

8. Community Watch and Reporting:

   - Stay connected with your neighbors and community.

   - Report any suspicious activities to local law enforcement promptly.

By following these guidelines, we can contribute to a safer and more secure holiday season for everyone. Let's celebrate with joy and goodwill, considering the importance of fostering a strong and protected community.

I wish you and your loved ones a safe and Merry Christmas!

- Bubba Bramlett, District Attorney


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